Wednesday, July 9, 2014


HYMN FOR TODAY - Wednesday July 9
You laid the earth’s foundation; 
its lines to You are known.
You know what holds its footings; 
You laid its cornerstone.
You gave the sea its boundaries 
And said, “You proud waves, halt!”
How many are Your works, Lord!
In wisdom You made all.

You give command each morning; 
You show the dawn its place.
You journey to the sea springs; 
the gates of death You’ve faced.
You comprehend earth’s vast expanse, 
Where light and darkness dwell.
How many are Your works, Lord!
In wisdom You excel.

Snow’s storehouses You’ve entered; 
You know the lightning’s home,
The place where east winds come from, 
the path for every storm.
You drench the desert wasteland 
and make it sprout with grass.
How many are Your works, Lord!
Your wisdom, O how vast!

Susan Helen Peterson 
1950 - 2004 ( 53 Years )

for much more go to:

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