Tuesday, August 19, 2014


HYMN FOR TODAY - Tuesday August 19
When we walk with the Lord 
In the light of His Word, 
What a glory He sheds on our way! 
While we do His good will 

He abides with us still,
And with all who will trust and obey.

Trust and obey
for there's no other way
To be happy in Jesus
but to trust and obey.

Not a shadow can rise,
Not a cloud in the skies,
But His smile quickly drives it away;
Not a doubt nor a fear,
Not a sigh nor a tear,
Can abide while we trust and obey.

Not a burden we bear,
Not a sorrow we share,
But our toil He doth richly repay;
Not a grief nor a loss,
Not a frown nor a cross,
But is blest if we trust and obey. 

John Henry Sammis 

1846 - 1919 ( 72 Years )

for much more go to:

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