Monday, August 11, 2014


HYMN FOR TODAY - Monday August 11
I will love the Lord; for he
From eternity loved me;
I will love the Lord, who gave
His own Son my soul to save,

And sends down, in love divine,
His good Spirit to strive with mine.

I will love the Son; for he
Loved, and gave himself for me;
I will love him on his cross,
And for him count all things loss;
I will love him on his throne,
When I know as I am known.

I will love the Spirit; for he
Deigns in love to dwell with me;
I will love him on my knees,
Helping mine infirmities,
Till my joyful lips record
“Abba, Father!” “Jesus, Lord!”

James Montgomery 
1771 - 1854 ( 82 Years )

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