Friday, June 27, 2014


HYMN FOR TODAY - Tuesday June 24
“He was not willing
that any should perish”;
Jesus enthroned in the glory above,
Saw our poor fallen world,
pitied our sorrows,
Poured out His life for us,
wonderful love!

“He was not willing
that any should perish”;
Clothed in our flesh
with its sorrow and pain,
Came He to seek the lost,
comfort the mourner,
Heal the heart broken
by sorrow and shame.

Plenty for pleasure,
but little for Jesus;
Time for the world
with its troubles and toys,
No time for Jesus’ work,
feeding the hungry,
Lifting lost souls to eternity’s joys.

Lucy Jane Rider Meyer 1849 - 1922 ( 72 Years )

for much more go to:

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