Sunday, June 22, 2014


HYMN FOR TODAY - Sunday June 22
My soul is beset
With grief and dismay,
I owe a vast debt
And nothing can pay:

I must go to prison,
Unless that dear Lord,
Who died and is risen,
His pity afford.

The death that he died,
The blood that he spilt,
To sinners applied,
Discharge from all guilt:
This great Intercessor
Can give, if he please,
The vilest transgressor
Immediate release.

When nailed to the tree,
He answered the prayer
Of one, who like me,
Was nigh to despair;
He did not upbraid him
With all he had done,
But instantly made him,
A saint and a son.

John Newton 1725 - 1807 ( 81 Years )

for much more go to:

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