Saturday, May 10, 2014


At the Name of Jesus 
Every knee shall bow, 
Every tongue confess Him 
King of glory now. 

'Tis the father's pleasure
We should call Him Lord,
Who from the beginning
Was the mighty Word.

Mighty and mysterious
In the highest height,
God from everlasting,
Very light of light.
In the Father's bosom,
With the Spirit blest,
Love, in love eternal,
Rest, in perfect rest.

At His voice creation
Sprang at once to sight,
All the angel faces,
all the hosts of light,
Thrones and dominions,
Stars upon their way,
All the heavenly orders
In their great array.

Caroline Maria Noel 1817 - 1877 ( 59 Years )
for much more go to:

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