Friday, December 6, 2013


A joyful song I love to sing 
Of Jesus, of Jesus, 
The chords that through my spirit ring, 
But speak of precious Jesus: 
The blessed name I can but sing; 
Afar from home he sought me, 
And in the fullness of his love, 
His great salvation brought me. 

Sing glory! sing glory! 
And praise forever bringing. 
The love of Jesus, precious love! 
I cannot keep from singing. 

My hope and joy, my sunshine bright, 
Is Jesus, my Jesus; 
His presence is my chief delight, 
My heart is filled with Jesus: 
And while that love throbs through and through, 
In bounding pulse of pleasure, 
My song shall be both glad and free, 
I would not change the measure. 

Tina Spencer

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