Friday, October 4, 2013


We know not the trials before us,
But Jesus takes thought for them all,
And trusting the aid of His counsel,
We never, no, never can fall;
We know not the trials before us,
Or what on the morrow may be,
But sweet is the soul
cheering promise,
“My grace is sufficient for thee.”

Then cleave to the Savior,
cleave to Him,
Whatever the conflict may be,
Remember the
soul cheering promise,
“My grace is sufficient for thee.”

We know not the trials before us,
But why; should we tremble or fear?
The arm of the Lord will protect us,
The ark of His mercy is near;
We know not the trials before us,
Or what our temptations may be,
But stronger than
death is the promise,
“My grace is sufficient for thee.”

Then cleave to the Savior,
cleave to Him,
Whatever the conflict may be,
Remember the
soul cheering promise,
“My grace is sufficient for thee.”

Fanny Jane Crosby 1820 - 1915 ( 94 Years )

For more go to:

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