Thursday, April 24, 2014


Now to the Lord a grateful song
Let heaven and ransomed earth prolong;
Hosannas praise the eternal name,
All men his boundless love proclaim.

The spacious earth and spreading flood
proclaim the wise, all powerful, God;
And the same glories from afar
Sparkle in every rolling star.

But we behold in Jesus’ face
The brightest image of his grace;
God, in the person of his Son,
Has all his mightiest works outdone.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


O for an overcoming faith
To cheer my dying hours;
To triumph o'er the monster Death,
And all his frightful powers!

Joyful with all the strength I have
My quivering lips should sing-
Where is thy boasted victory, Grave?
And where the monster's sting?

If sin be pardoned, I'm secure,
Death hath no sting beside;
The law gives sin its damning power;
But Christ, my ransom, died.

Monday, April 21, 2014


Hark ten thousand happy voices
Sound our Saviour’s praise above
Jesus reigns, and heaven rejoices;
Jesus reigns, with power and love:
See, he fills his Father’s throne;
Rules in earth and heaven alone.

King of Glory, reign for ever;
Thine an everlasting crown:
Nothing from thy love shall sever
Those whom thou hast made thine own.
Happy objects of thy grace,
Destined to behold thy face.

for much more go to:


Low in the grave He lay,
Jesus my Saviour!
Waiting the coming day,
Jesus my Lord!

Up from the grave He arose
With a mighty triumph o'er His foes;
He arose a victor from the dark domain,
And he lives forever with His saints to reign,
He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose! 

Vainly they watch His bed,
Jesus my Saviour!
Vainly they seal the dead,
Jesus my Lord!

Death cannot keep his prey,
Jesus my Saviour!
He tore the bars away,
Jesus my Lord! 

Robert Lowry 1826 - 1899 ( 72 Years )
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Saturday, April 19, 2014


O Christ, in Thee
my soul hath found,
And found in Thee alone,
The peace, the joy I sought so long,
The bliss till now unknown.

Now none but Christ can satisfy,
None other name for me,
There’s love, and life,
and lasting joy,
Lord Jesus, found in Thee.

I sighed for rest and happiness,
I yearned for them, not Thee;
But while I passed my Saviour by,
His love laid hold on me.

I tried the broken cisterns, Lord,
But ah! The waters failed!
E’en as I stooped
to drink they’d fled,
And mocked me as I wailed.

for much more go to:

Friday, April 18, 2014


I am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus,
Trusting only Thee,
Trusting Thee for full salvation,
Great and free.

I am trusting Thee for pardon,
At Thy feet I bow,
For Thy grace and tender mercy
Trusting now.

I am trusting Thee for cleansing
In the crimson flood;
Trusting Thee to make me holy
By Thy blood. 

Frances Ridley Havergal 1836 - 1879 ( 42 Years )

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Wednesday, April 16, 2014


In the land of strangers,
Whither thou art gone,
Hear a far voice calling,
My son! My son!

Welcome! Wand’rer, welcome!
Welcome back to home!
Thou hast wandered far away:
Come home! Come home!

“From the land of hunger,
Fainting, famished, lone,
Come to love and gladness,
My son! My son!

“Quit the haunts of riot,
Wasted, woe-begone;
Sick at heart and weary,
My son! My son!

Horatius Bonar  1808 - 1889 ( 80 Years )

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Beautiful sea, O beautiful sea,
Beyond the dark valley of time;
Over thy gentle, murmuring tide
The bells of eternity chime.

Beautiful beautiful, ocean of light,
Reflected from Eden above,
Where they that are washed
in the blood of the Lamb
Abide in the smile of His love.

Beautiful sea, O beautiful sea,
Thy glory shall never decline;
Over thy waves that silently flow
The beams of eternity shine.

Beautiful sea, O beautiful sea,
By faith we can sometimes behold;
Visions of thee, so lovely and bright,
They fill us with rapture untold.

Frances (Fanny) Jane Crosby 1820 - 1915 ( 94 Years )

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