Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Like a shepherd, tender, true,
Jesus leads, Jesus leads,
Daily finds us pastures new,
Jesus leads, Jesus leads;
If thick mists are o’er the way,
Or the flock ’mid danger feeds,
He will watch them lest they stray,
Jesus leads, Jesus leads.

All along life’s rugged road
Jesus leads, Jesus leads,
Till we reach yon blest abode,
Jesus leads, Jesus leads;
All the way, before He’s trod,
And He now the flock precedes,
Safe into the fold of God,
Jesus leads, Jesus leads.

Thro’ the sunlit ways of life
Jesus leads, Jesus leads,
Thro’ the warrings and the strife
Jesus leads, Jesus leads;
When we reach the Jordan’s tide,
Where life’s bound’ry line recedes,
He will the spread the waves aside,
Jesus leads, Jesus leads.


Friday, May 24, 2013


Why do we mourn departing friends
Or shake at death's alarms?
'Tis but the voice that Jesus sends
To call them to His arms.

Thence He arose, ascending high,
And showed our feet the way.
Up to the Lord our flesh shall fly
At the great rising day.

Then let the last loud trumpet sound
And bid our kindred rise:
Awake, ye nations under ground!
Ye saints, ascend the skies!


Thursday, May 23, 2013


What a friend we have in Jesus,
All our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit,
O what needless pain we bear-
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer.

Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged:
Take it to the Lord in prayer!
Can we find a friend so faithful,
Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness-
Take it to the Lord in prayer!

Are we weak and heavy-laden,
Cumbered with a load of care?
Jesus only is our refuge,
Take it to the Lord in prayer!
Do thy friends despise, forsake thee?
Take it to the Lord in prayer!
In His arms He'll take and shield thee,
thou wilt find a solace there.

Joseph Medicott Scriven


Wednesday, May 22, 2013


The heavens declare Thy glory,
The firmament Thy power;
Day unto day the story
Repeats from hour to hour;
Night unto night replying,
Proclaims in every land,
O Lord, with voice undying,
The wonders of Thy hand.

The sun with royal splendor
Goes forth to chant Thy praise;
And moonbeams soft and tender
Their gentler anthem raise;
O’er every tribe and nation
That music strange is poured,
The song of all creation,
To Thee, creation’s Lord.



Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Search me, O Lord!
And try this heart of mine;
Search me, and prove
if I indeed am Thine:
Test by Thy Word
that never changed can be,
My strength of hope
and living faith in Thee.

Search me, O Lord!
Subdue each vain desire,
And in my soul
a deeper love inspire;
Hide Thou my life,
that I, supremely blest,
Beneath Thy wings
in perfect peace may rest.

Search me, O Lord!
And from the dross of sin
Refine as gold,
and keep me pure within;
Search Thou my thoughts,
whose springs Thine eyes can see:
From secret faults,
O Saviour, cleanse Thou me!

For more go to

Monday, May 20, 2013


All people that on earth do dwell,
Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice;
Him serve with mirth, His praise forthtell,
Come ye before Him and rejoice.

Know that the Lord is God indeed,
Without our aid He did us make:
We are His flock, He doth us feed,
And for His sheep He doth us take.

O enter then His gates with praise,
Approach with joy His courts unto:
Praise, laud, and bless His name always,
For it is seemly so to do.

William Kethe

For more go to

Sunday, May 19, 2013


All things are Thine; no gift have we,
Lord of all gifts, to offer Thee:
And hence with grateful hearts today
Thine own before Thy feet we lay.

Thy will was in the builders’ thought;
Thy hand unseen amidst us wrought;
Through mortal motive, scheme and plan
Thy wise eternal purpose ran.

No lack Thy perfect fullness knew;
For human needs and longings grew
This house of prayer, this home of rest,
In the fair garden of the West.

More at

Saturday, May 18, 2013


Hymn from

Crown Him with many crowns,
The Lamb upon His throne;
Hark! how the heavenly anthem drowns
All music but its own:
Awake, my soul, and sing
Of Him who died for thee,
And hail Him as thy chosen King
Through all eternity.

Crown Him the Son of God
Before the worlds began;
And ye who tread where He hath trod,
Crown Him the Son of Man,
Who every grief hath known
That wrings the human breast,
And takes and bears them for His own,
That all in Him may rest.

Crown Him the Virgin's Son,
The God incarnate born,
Whose arm those crimson trophies won
Which now His brow adorn;
Fruit of the mystic rose,
As of that rose the stem;
The root whence mercy ever flows,
The Babe of Bethlehem.

Crown Him the Lord of Love.
Behold His hands and side,
Rich wounds, yet visible above,
In beauty glorified.
No angel in the sky
Can fully bear that sight,
But downward bends his wondering eye
At mysteries so bright!

Crown Him the Lord of life,
Who triumphed o'er the grave,
And rose victorious in the strife,
For those He came to save:
His glories now we sing,
Who died and rose on high,
Who died eternal life to bring,
And lives that death may die.

Crown Him the Lord of peace,
Whose power a scepter sways
From pole to pole, that wars may cease,
and all be prayer and praise.
His reign shall know no end,
and round His piercèd feet
Fair flowers of paradise extend
their fragrance ever sweet.

Crown Him the Lord of heaven,
One with the Father known
One with the Spirit through Him given
From yonder glorious throne.
To Thee be endless praise,
For Thou for us hast died;
Be Thou, O Lord, through endless days
Adored and magnified.

Matthew Bridges & Godfrey Thring

 For more go to


Friday, May 17, 2013


Hymn from

This world’s a dreary wilderness,
Where turbid waters flow;
No blooming flowers of paradise,
But thorns profusely grow.

We lose our friends, our wealth decays,
And life is full of pain;
For various good we wait and wish,
But wish and wait in vain.

Our hand outstretched to seize the prize,
The phantom flies away;
And leaves us to relentless grief,
An unexpected prey.

Jesus our Saviour, now to thee,
With hasty step we come;
Our only refuge here below,
And our eternal home.

‘Midst rising winds and beating storms,
Reclining on thy breast,
We find in thee a hiding place,
And here securely rest.

Benjamin Beddome  


Thursday, May 16, 2013


Hymn from

All along life's rugged journey
I am trusting thee,
O my Saviour, blessed Saviour;
Thou wilt keep me safe from falling,
lead me tenderly,
Jesus dear, my loving Saviour.

I am trusting, I am trusting,
Thou wilt keep me day by day:
I am trusting, I am trusting,
Thou wilt keep me all the way.

If my feet grow tired and weary,
and the way be long,
O my Saviour, blessed Saviour;
Thou wilt give me joy and comfort,
and wilt make me strong,
Jesus dear, my loving Saviour.

I am trusting, I am trusting,
Thou wilt keep me day by day:
I am trusting, I am trusting,
Thou wilt keep me all the way.

If the woes of life come o'er me,
in that hour be near,
O my Saviour, blessed Saviour;
Give me faith unto the victory,
till my soul with cheer,
Jesus dear, my loving Saviour.

I am trusting, I am trusting,
Thou wilt keep me day by day:
I am trusting, I am trusting,
Thou wilt keep me all the way.

I am trusting, working, waiting
as the end draws nigh.
O my Saviour, blessed Saviour;
And by faith I see the glories
of the home on high,
Jesus dear, my loving Saviour.

I am trusting, I am trusting,
Thou wilt keep me day by day:
I am trusting, I am trusting,
Thou wilt keep me all the way.

Jane E. Hall


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The mountains shall depart - James Montgomery

Hymn from

“The mountains shall depart,
The hills shall be removed,
Faithful, O Lord! thou art,
Faithful hast ever proved,
And faithful to eternity,
Thy word of promise stands to me.

“That blessed word I prove,
I know thee as thou art;
Thy kindness will not move,
Nor can thy truth depart;
With me, thy covenant of peace
Is sealed, is sure, and shall not cease.”

Thus may the mourner say
In the dark hour of grief,
When the first trembling ray
Of comfort darts relief
Into the dungeon of his soul,
Till love, joy, peace, illume the whole.

Down, then, the dungeon falls,
A palace straight upsprings,
Salvation guards the walls,
And lo! the King of kings
Enters with all his glorious train,
For ever in that soul to reign.

James Montgomery